The Spa/Slumber party was a hit! We had fun, laughed, ate and then 5 little girls stayed up way too late! But that's the price of partying!
So we started the party off with the chocolate bar game. It's a hilarious game, where you get to eat chocolate, I know what a perfect game! My SIL introduced our family to this game in the summer.

All you need is a giant chocolate bar, oven mitts, a fork & butter knife, cutting board & a timer.
This is Daisy, I think she has about 4 pieces in her mouth in this photo! Since the kids were fairly big, and fit into the oven mitts easily, I gave them 15 secs. In that 15 secs. you have to cut a piece and then you can eat it. If the time runs out after you've cut it, the next person can eat it.
Next we made Bath Salts, this is a super easy and and useable craft.
Bath Salts
epson salt
sea salt 1/2 cup per jar
fragrance (Michaels soap making isle)
food colouring
1/2 pint canning jars
1 shell each to scoop salt out of jar (it has to fit the jar opening)
I used the new SU scalloped heart of hearts for the front, printed there names on the computer and punched them out with the small oval. The cover on top is a napkin and this cool mesh I found at the Dollarama that has a sparkly thread woven into it!
They also made body glitter and chocolate peppermint lip gloss. You can see them in the photo at the top.
Body Glitter
clear aloe gel
fine sparkles
stick to stir
fragrance (optional)
Chocolate Peppermint Lip Gloss
peppermint extract
chocolate chips (a couple melted)
containers (these were actually pill containers from the Dollarama)

After making all the goodies we took a break for some food & drink and then returned to the Spa with homemade chocolate facial masks!
Chocolate Facial Mask
This creamy mask is an excellent moisturizer, leaving your skin baby soft. Recommended for normal skin.
1/3 cup cocoa powder
3 tbsp. heavy cream
2 tsp. cottage cheese
¼ cup honey
3 tsp. oatmeal
Mix all ingredients together (a bullet blender is ideal) and smooth onto face. Relax for ten 10 minutes, then wash off with warm water.
Don't let this picture fool you, they really did have fun, but the masks were starting to dry so they couldn't smile! lol After the facial, they soaked there nails and painted them.
Loot bags contained homemade bath salts, body glitter, chocolate peppermint lip gloss, eye mask, head band, nail polish, nail files, and chocolates!
Have a Great Evening