Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day everyone! Hope you all have a great Day!

This is the card I made for my Mom, who is the Greatest! My Mom is always there for us, through thick & thin, and while I have tons of great memories, there is one that I am often reminded of and always warms my heart!

Back in 94/95 I had some surgery due to Crohns Disease that didn't go so well, many complications. I was in a hospital out of town, my Daughter was only 1 1/2 yrs old and I had been there for weeks-2 months total!

I usually only had visitors on the weekend, but I was looking forward to the following day because my Mom was coming to visit. She called to let me know she couldn't make it because her ride fell through, I think my X (who was not my X at the time) was supposed to bring her, I'm kinda fuzzy on the details.

So the next day I was kinda feeling down, when who poked her head around the corner, but my Mom! I was Sooo happy to see her, and to this day I can still see her smiling face peeking around the door opening! She had taken the out of town bus just to see me, it was a great day!

So cheers to all Mom's, I hope you have a lovely day with the people you love!

I made this card using this Tutorial by Valita!


1 comment:

MiamiKel said...

So very beautiful! What a gorgeous embossed background and stunning tulip - beautiful work!